Click on this link to listen to my Minninup Pool String Quartet on YouTube:

Performing music on European stringed instruments is an esoteric art, and composing Indigenous Australian themed music for a string quartet is even more so. Unlike digital string samples, the range of sounds produced by live performance on European stringed instruments have physical limitations. String performers use an arcane vocabulary of European technical terms and notation symbols, that all composers for strings must learn about. But as long as physically impossible glissandi, double stops, leaps and awkward register changes are avoided, and each distinct stringed voice is allowed its moment of glory, conceiving, recording and scoring new or traditional music for groups of string players to present is a joy and pleasure. At least, that’s what I found when composing Minninup Pool, my recorded and string music soundscape of a dawn to moonrise day at a special place on Noongar Country.

Minninup Pool String Quartet on Elizabeth Sheppard’s YouTube Channel
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